Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rolling Art History: The 1949 Moto Major 350.

translated via: moto insight

"The Major, born in 1948 on a draft of an engineer in Turin, Salvatore Majorca. Its aim is very clear: to create a very exceptional art, both stylistically and mechanically.

As for aesthetics, one can not but look confirm the opinion of all those who see the Major is ahead about ten years compared to its contemporaries. The study of the creature is extraordinarily accurate, the line creates a unique form from which emerges only handlebars and wheels. And if you believe that the project was born after the Second World War, when there are so many is the Guzzini, one can imagine the emotion aroused by the Mayor at the time of his presentation.

In any case it is not just an exercise in style, as well executed. The entire front section formula effective shelter for the pilot and the body plays an important aerodynamic function. But the creation of Majorca surprising even for mechanics. The body seems to conceal suspensions, but in fact these missing. The floating effect is achieved through special rubber cylinders that are interlayed the hub and wheel rim. The Mayor is a fascinating project, but it is too expensive to come into production and thus remains a single copy."

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